AfriTAL is a Non Governmental Organization engaged in building responsible and progressive leaders globally, which is anchored on patriotism, accountability and transparency.


  1. Nurture future leaders from the critical mass of our youths.
  2. Help in the advocacy of putting in place a PIB that would bring to bare principles of transparency and accountability in the running of Nigeria’s oil and gas at the end help develop a society where peace, justice, equality and fairness shall reign.


AfriTAL will be a foremost Non Government Organization driven by the quest for good governance for the good of mankind.


Our capabilities stem from our can do attitude, seeing opportunities in the present

political and socio-economic challenges besetting the nation; and generating a pool of future leaders from different leadership groups at all levels. We are convinced that with effective networks and partnerships, Nigeria can be reinvented to have very youthful future leaders that are patriotic, accountable, transparent, decent and responsible. 

how can we help you?

Join us as we advocate for Good governance, accountability, transparency and integrity in entrepreneurship and leadership.


Corporate Responsibility

Endeavours to carry out its activities through disciplined advocacy methods to restore good governance for the good of mankind.


Join the fight against corruption

Corruption and bad leadership have been identified as the bane of Africa’s development. Our focus is to join all well meaning persons from all over the world to fight against corruption and reverse the penchant for looting the treasuries by leaders entrusted with the peoples’ commonwealth.


 Advocacy for good governance

Partner with Social development partners in Government, Non Governmental Organizations, Private Sectors in the advocacy for good governance.


 Integrity, accountability and responsible reports

AfriTAl shall on Annual basis prepare and submit its Annual report on line with integrity, accountability and transparency principles.

Today's Quote

“The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you can alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change the world.” -James Baldwin

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -by Margaret Mead

“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.” -by E.M. Forster

“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” -by Aesop

African Initiative for Transparency Accountability & Leadership